When it come to tying jigs there's so many variations are effective patterns that work. Below is a simple pattern, material lists and detailed recipe on how to turn a blank jigs into an affective slaying machine.
Jig Geek Blank
210 Denier Black Thread
1/4" Straight Cut Rabbit Strip
1/8" Cross Cut Rabbit Strip
Glue or UV Cure
Step 1 - Laying a base of thread down
Be sure to lay down there everywhere material will be tied in. This will ensure the material does not slip and rotate around the hook.
Step 2 - Tie in the 1/4" straight cut tail
There are a lot of way to do this. Some tyers will pierce the tail and tie it in upside down on the shake but this is definitely the easiest way. We have experienced no difference in the hook up rate with the multiple ways a tail can be tied in.
Length of the tail is totally dependent on your liking but a good starting place is 1.5x the length of the hook.
Step 3 - Tie in the 1/8" cross cut body
Make sure the fibers on the strip are facing toward the back of the hook.
Step 4 - Wrap the cross cut material
As you wrap the material forward be sure to palmer the material towards the back of the hook to ensure no fibers get trapped.
Step 5 - Lock down the cross cut material
Ensure that the cross cut material forming the body of the jig is fully secured and will not unwind.
Step 6 - Tie in some flash
Flash can be tied in on top, underneath and on the sides. We prefer a lateral line down the side of the jig.
Step 7 - Finish the collar with glue
Make sure to whip finish the collar before trimming the thread and applying the glue. A dab of glue on the collar will increase the durability of the jig and help stop it from unraveling after multiple hook-ups.
There you have it!